4. Basic Employee Training: Creating Accounts For Your Employer

If you are tasked to create accounts, including social media accounts, for a project, website or business, here are the steps:

  1. First, even if your employer is not concerned about the complexity of passwords, it is better that each count have a difficult password and that the different website registrations have different passwords. The reason is that it is simple to hack multiple accounts if they share a password. If you need help managing passwords, keep the information in a spreadsheet or use lastpass.com.
  2. Create a google/gmail account [businessname]@gmail.com – use the business name, website name or project name. Use this account for all the other registrations.
  3. Set up all social media accounts including Google Plus, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc.
  4. If you need to create other registrations, set them up using this email address. This can include document sharing sites, slide sharing sites and other content sharing sites.